
Fraser’s Birth

Donna and Josh’s first birth was full of intervention and traumatic for both of them, so they signed up for HypnoBirthing in an attempt to have the calm and present birth that they hoped for the first time. Donna shared “Bec and her HypnoBirthing Program was the best thing we

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An Amazing VBAC

Casey completed the HypnoBirthing Program after experiencing a traumatic first birth that ended in an emergency c-section! She achieved an amazing and positive VBAC and I feel so blessed to be able to share her story… “Wednesday night I went to bed early feeling a bit sore and achey, I

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A Beautiful Mumma Returns

This amazing birth story is from one of the first mumma’s I ever taught HypnoBirthing to. She returned for a HypnoBirthing Refresher session and had a beautiful birth. It honestly makes me so happy to share such wonderful birth experiences, and I feel so blessed to be able to support

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A Beautiful Homebirth

“At 36 weeks pregnant I had an emotional week, my husband was not allowed to attend my growth scan for a double vessel cord, someone ran up the back of my car and I was late to my check up, a trip to the hospital to make sure baby was

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My Birth Story

In all honesty, this is not the birth story I was expecting to share. Things didn’t go to plan, and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it. I can certainly say my birth was a positive experience. I felt powerful, calm, strong and in control. But I also

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Another beautiful birth…

On Wednesday 6th of November, at 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I started feeling period like sensations at around 9am. They were frequent – 2 times every 10 minutes, lasting about 30 seconds in length. I didn’t really know what they were, so I laid in bed and tried

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One of my favourite births…

This beautiful mumma holds a special place in my heart, and she had the most wonderful birth experience. Despite being faced with a number of special circumstances during her pregnancy, including GD, other health concerns and a necessary induction, she was able to implement everything she learned in the HypnoBirthing

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A 24-hour Labour

“I had my first surge around 9.30pm on Tuesday evening but thought it was intense Braxton Hicks. My husband and I went to bed shortly after and the surges started taking place every hour which is when I thought “hmm I think I’m in actual labour”. Luke and I managed

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Shannon’s Amazing HypnoBirth

“At 11.30pm on the 18th of December I heard my waters pop lying in bed. A huge rush of excitement came over me knowing our little boy is on his way. How long that would take was anyone’s guess.. After quick a shower and change of clothes later the surges came on

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A Positive Hospital Birth

Key words: endometriosis, gestational diabetes, HypnoBirthing, rebozo, accupressure, chiropractor, breathing techniques. “After struggling with endometriosis, we were concerned conceiving may have taken us a while after being told it could take more than 12 months. We were so excited and grateful when I fell pregnant in the third month of

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