
A Breech Vaginal Birth

Miss Isla Jane had us on our toes from the beginning – first trimester bleeding and in the first scan uncovered a single umbilical artery (SUA), which meant frequent scans in the third trimester. 30 week scan showed that Isla was in breech position, which started a lot of conversation

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Sharni’s Birth Story

“After 1 vaginal delivery & two previous c-sections, I was planning my VBAC2C. At 40 weeks I started to lose my mucus plug, and at 40+ 2 days I woke up at around 2:30 am with some surges that were coming & going very infrequent but enough for me to

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A Positive Induction Birth Story

A special thank you for this incredible mum sharing her birth story so openly and vulnerably. Birth is an epic journey where we are pushed to the edge of what we are capable of, and return with a baby in our arms. I am so proud of this incredible mum

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I had a baby in COVID, and this is how it impacted me…

As I approach my beautiful daughter’s second birthday, I can’t help but reflect on what it was like to bring a baby into the world during the early stages of COVID. Despite two years having passed, the emotions are still very much raw and these memories will stay with me

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Positive Cesarean After Preeclampsia Diagnosis

On the 3rd of January, 2021, myself and James found out we were 5-6 weeks pregnant with our second baby. Sadly, we miscarried in 2019 with our first baby. We were 13 weeks along when I went in for my ultrasound to find our baby had no heartbeat. Broken and

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Unmedicated Induction Birth

“Approaching the 3rd trimester mark of my pregnancy we had experienced a lot of concerns with the growth and weight of our little girl and there was an uncertainty that she would be coming prematurely. We were very lucky that she was able to get to the 38 weeks and

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Frankie’s Quick Hospital Birth

“To this day, I’ll be honest, I don’t really know when my labour started. In the days leading up to Frankie’s birth I’d been feeling what I supposed was the sensation of him moving further down into position. It wasn’t super comfortable but it wasn’t painful. Was it practise labour/’Braxton

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Fraser’s Birth

Donna and Josh’s first birth was full of intervention and traumatic for both of them, so they signed up for HypnoBirthing in an attempt to have the calm and present birth that they hoped for the first time. Donna shared “Bec and her HypnoBirthing Program was the best thing we

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