
A 3-hour Birth

Ella Adrienne Maryanto, 22/10/2019 “On Monday 21st October mum drove me to my monitoring appointment as we were overdue (41 weeks). We got hooked up to the CTG machine and everything was textbook. She was perfect. We then had an ultrasound to check the fluid. The nurse was having trouble

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The Birth of Raeven

“I experienced a very long 19 hour posterior back labour and 2 hours of pushing  with Eli (our first born), where we went to the hospital 3 times in one day, which ended with all of the drugs/interventions I could get my hands on (I almost made it to a

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A HypnoBirth Like No Other…

I am so excited to share a beautiful birth story from one of my most recent HypnoBirthing couples. This amazing mumma birthed her baby just ten minutes after arriving at hospital, and was described by her midwife as a “birthing goddess”. “We are excited to announce that at 8.07pm on

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Rediscovering myself, over a year after giving birth…

My daughter is 16 months old, and took her first steps last week. Although I have been waiting for weeks for her to get the courage and self-belief to let go of my hand and finally take those first precious steps… it completely blew my mind when it finally happened.

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Meagan’s beautiful birth…

“Our little bubba safely arrived into the world 2 weeks early on Wednesday 23rd January. Everything we learnt through the HypnoBirthing program was absolutely incredible and Jye was able to completely stand by me and our birth plan the entire time I was birthing our baby. We ended up having

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A HypnoBirthing Husband…

“After having three kids in the more standard way, the birth of my fourth child was very different after doing the HypnoBirthing program. I found that the HypnoBirthing program gave me, personally as the father, more purpose in the birthing process. We were able to formulate a birth plan, and

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