A HypnoBirth Like No Other…


I am so excited to share a beautiful birth story from one of my most recent HypnoBirthing couples. This amazing mumma birthed her baby just ten minutes after arriving at hospital, and was described by her midwife as a “birthing goddess”.

“We are excited to announce that at 8.07pm on March 21, Ayla Rose* entered our lives. We made it to hospital with just 10 minutes to spare, with Ayla arriving within minutes of entering the birthing suite.  We had just enough time to plug in our salt lamp.

The first signs that labour may have been kicking off were around 3am, however things only really started to ramp up from around midday shortly after Dan arrived home early from work. When things started to get more intense I was focused on my relaxations, affirmations and surge breathing. At this point, Dan gave our midwife a heads up that I was entering the early stages of labour.

Dan was the perfect birthing companion. He kept me grounded by reminding me to breathe through the surges while giving me light massage and acupressure on my back. He kept me well hydrated and kept reassuring me everything was going well and just the way we wanted.  Being in the comfort of our own home ensured that I could really get into the zone without any interruptions or unfamiliar faces. I could get into any position I wanted and do whatever I needed to, to get through each surge. Sometimes I would lean over my birthing ball and sometimes I would stomp around the room to distract myself.

During a very intense surge, my membranes released and this is where my body really took over, I moved to the shower which provided relief during these intense surges. Things got so intense that I told Dan I think it was time to go to hospital. Dan spoke to our midwife who was amazing.  She really wanted us to achieve what was set out in our birth plan and suggested we try and stick it out a bit longer. At this point surge breathing became hard to concentrate on and I just went with the urges of my body, I starting making noises I never expected but it was just instinctual. Dan reassured me that each surge would soon be over and that soon we’d be meeting our baby. At this point I didn’t want any touch or distractions. I found that positioning myself on the side of the bed allowed me to really go with the flow and sensations of my body.

Suddenly I felt the urge to bare down, I could feel the baby coming. I told Dan we need to go to hospital. It was a few hours since we last spoke to our midwife so he called her and she wasn’t totally convinced we should come in yet, that was until she could hear me in the background going through a surge. She told us to come in straight away. 

Dan had already packed the car so it was just a matter of getting to the car (down about 30 steps) I had to do this in stages between surges. During the 3 minute drive down the road to the hospital, I had another 2 surges in the car leaning over the back seats. We arrived at the birthing suite before our midwife and all I could do was lean over the bed and go with the surges. As Dan ran off to get our bags, the midwife arrived. I told her I had the urge to push and she reminded me to remember my breathing (she knew we were a hypnobirthing couple) and started to get things ready. Dan came back and started setting up the room, he only had enough time to plug in the salt lamp.  I asked to be measured, got up on the bed and the midwife said I was fully dilated and the baby’s head was right there! She couldn’t believe it. I got back to kneeling over the side of the bed and the urge to breath and bare down took over. I started to get a bit anxious at this stage as I could feel the baby crowning, my midwife reminded me to breath and I breathed down and the head started to emerge. With the next breath my baby emerged and I pulled her up to my chest in absolute disbelief.  I had done it, she was here and we had achieved our birth plan.

My midwife called me a birthing goddess.

We delayed cord clamping and maintained skin to skin for an hour. We started feeling some pressure because the placenta had not emerged yet and other staff were asking about it. My midwife suggested she would have to help with the placenta as I wasn’t having any more significant surges and gravity wasn’t working. The placenta was almost out, and with some gentle encouragement it emerged. We went through all of the paper work, continued to have skin to skin and started breast feeding over the next few hours which went well. So, after just over 6 hours, we were able to be discharged and head back to the comfort of your own home with our newborn baby.

I really believe that the techniques we learnt through the HyponBirthing course helped us to achieve our perfect birth. We are so happy that we participated in the program and we really want to thank you Bec for such a wonderful experience. The tools and knowledge we gained empowered us in a way that gave us enough strength and confidence to achieve such a wonderfully positive outcome.

We cannot recommend your program highly enough and want to thank you again for providing us with such fantastic tools. 

*Name has been changed