Meagan’s beautiful birth…


“Our little bubba safely arrived into the world 2 weeks early on Wednesday 23rd January. Everything we learnt through the HypnoBirthing program was absolutely incredible and Jye was able to completely stand by me and our birth plan the entire time I was birthing our baby. We ended up having a beautiful big chubby boy at 3.15pm, he was 9.1pounds / 4.11kg 53cm long and absolutely perfect.

I went to hospital on Wednesday morning and I was 3cm dilated.  As my surges and early labour had been going for almost 5 days, 30 minutes apart, they decided the best way to keep baby happy and give me the best chance of a natural birth was to give me some oxytocin (6ml – which they said was barely anything and way less than what they would use if I was being induced). They put that in at 7.30am and then turned it off at 9.30am as my body had amped right up and surges were 3 in 10 minutes from 9.30am-12.30pm. I coped really well and just listened to my affirmations and calm music, had the diffuser on and was on the fit ball in the shower with hot water on my lower back. Jye was rubbing my shoulders and back while I laid in an all four position over the fit ball for those hours. Then from 12.30-2.30 I was really feeling tired and had to really concentrate on 20-20 breathing every time I had a surge, but I found myself wanting them to come knowing it would help bubs move down and my cervix let him through. Jye kept telling me “babe, you are breathing amazing… you are doing sooo well your almost there”.

At 2.45pm, an overwhelming sensation picked up and I just said “my baby is coming” and all of a sudden with every surge I was breathing my “j” breath and he was just coming, it was sooooo amazing!! I can’t believe I actually gave birth to him. The midwives were barely even there it was mainly just me and Jye in the bathroom, with the lights out, and the music and diffuser on. I found my happy space and just went with it. I had 25 minutes of active pushing and he made a very quick entrance to the world, perfect, happy and healthy and he was passed straight to me. Jye cried for an hour after he was born and kept saying “OMG you’re amazing, you are actually amazing… I am so proud of you. Our boy is so lucky to have such a beautiful mum” It was so special! We did delayed cord clamping and he was feeding and on me for 4 hours, then on Jye for skin to skin for another 4 hours. We came home 8 hours after giving birth to him and settled straight in. 

It was such a special day for us all, and as soon as I held my baby boy I was instantly in love. He is pure perfection. We were home 8 hours after giving birth and settled in so well. Jye is seriously the best dad and partner and it’s been the best way for us to approach our birth with your amazing HypnoBirthing course to start us off on the right foot. Jye said on the way home from the hospital how proud he was and how much the HypnoBirthing classes helped us both and we all did so well because of it. The midwives were so proud too, they said I did amazing as he was a very big baby for my first and I just got in a zone.”

Swayde, Meagan and Jye. Photo: Sigrid Petersen Photography