Another Amazing HypnoBirth

Our second baby boy arrived at 38 + 5 gestation. Our first baby was born premmy at 36 weeks (in a very fast labour), so onwards from 36 weeks, this time round, it was all foreign territory to me. Any movement or any kick and I thought I was going into labour. I was feeling pretty anxious about “waiting for labour” and “what if this labour is long?” this time, but luckily we did the HypnoBirthing refresher.

Despite the chaos of having a busy toddler, I made sure to prioritize time to do HypnoBirthing.
Then spontaneously one Tuesday morning at about 10:30am, just at home, I started to experience slight tummy cramps. My husband was at work, so I flagged this with him and then by 12:30pm the cramps had ramped up and by 1:30pm I was in full blown labour. I was a

ble to put the tens machine on, pop birth affirmations in my ears and wait for my husband to get home.

We left for hospital as soon as we would, with eye mask on, tens machine pumping, and rainbow relaxation up full blast for the car trip. We arrived at 2:20pm at hospital, after breathing through very regular surges in the car, to give birth naturally and unmedicated at 2:40pm.

It was another very fast labour but I had no fear throughout, understanding that my body knew exactly what to do. I even yelled “I’m a birthing queen!!” in the middle of surges!

I’m so grateful for having 2 really positive, beautiful births thanks to HypnoBirthing.

Thank you Bec ❤️